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Ah, so you're here to find out about this whole sordid affair? Lucky you. You've hit upon the right spot. Well, go on, don't be shy.


Once there was a silly lil girl named let's call her that. Anyway, she was very much in love with a video game series called Final Fantasy, as well as a computer language called HTML. One day, something that rarely happens in this world occurred that would change thousands of retinas forever. Rinoa had a thought. That thought was, "Dude, if I could like make a site on FF that was everything I'm looking for right this second, in one, I could rule the that would basically rock. So in September 1999, she set to work, scanning and snapping FF pictures and gaining media by the crap loads. Finally one extremely boring day in January 2000, she thought,'s time this sucker went online. So it did, with one minor detail left out. Well, Rinoa was ditzing out and thinking too deeply about ethereal colors and "duh, duh duh" came a thought. Aqua and purple look good together on the back of the FF7 walk through book, so those were the chosen colors. Everything seemed to be going fine until Rinoa discovered a site that had linked her also commented on the "irritating colors" she used. After that, she decided that if it was irritating, then why not make it a gimmick! So after that, she never used any other colors and the site has been sending more people to the optometrist than any other site since 2000. The End.....kinda..

Programs and Services

Graphics: Paint Shop Pro
HTML: NotePad
Forum: vBulletin
Counters: Dark Counter, Nedstadt


Moved: Four times
Closed: Once
Ruined Retinas: Over 12,495 served before closing the first time.
Megs of Media/Rubbish: 70 or more
Staff Rating: Dysfunctional


  Site Info